9. The friction between facts and fiction
In this theme section of this ninth Scandinavian Newsletter we take a close look at the friction between facts and fiction. We examine genres that operate on the borderline between literature and non-fiction, and in which fantasy and reality are closely, and often inextricably, interwoven.
The articles regarding this particular issue:
Retort of the corpse worm: the Edith Södergran letters- fact, fiction and morality
Agneta Rahikainen
My diary is the bare branch: fiction and reality in the autobiographical writings of Hans Christian Andersen
Edith Koenders
'It feels as if I am distorting the true story': the recounting of history in two documentary novels
Petra Broomans
Decisive and predictable? Heroes, heroines and modern biographical texts
Janke Klok
Saarikoski is dead - long live Finnish biographers!
Päivi Kosonen
The truth is out there: searching for the story between all stories
Paula Stevens
Illustration and illusion? Michael Larsen about the manipulation of visual material
Kor de Vries
Somewhere between head and heart: contemporary Danish essay-writing
Henk van der Liet
TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek, No 1 1997 - special issue: biography
Jelger Groot